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             into                              LEGO 


This program uses a cognitive behavioural approach and Lego Therapy designed to teach self-regulation and emotional control. 


It is jammed packed full of learning for you child with the aim of developing their emotional regulation and ending up with a toolbox full of information and strategies to apply at home, school and in the community.


In this program your child with learn about:


  • How to categorise different emotions, using the Zones of Regulation.​​


  • The Link between our Thoughts, Feelings and Actions. This assists in children developing an awareness of how our feelings can be related to our thoughts and how we can use positive self talk to help manage our big feelings. Then we get on with developing a whole package of helpful thoughts and knew ways of thinking.


  • How to recognise body clues associated with different emotional levels and understand how others think and feel in response to our emotional state


  • Tools and strategies for managing our particular emotional states with hands on materials to take home and implement. 


  • A problem solving formula for situations that pop up at home, school and in the community.


Program Details

The program runs during school terms in blocks of 6 - 8 weeks. 


Each participant will receive a Folder to store handouts and worksheets completed which can be taken home at the end of the program.


Parents will receive copies of their child's work, feedback and information about the program to support their child's learning at home.




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